Sunday, February 26, 2006

Aaand.....we are back!

Long time since I posted. But well, needed some topic to write on. After quite some time I am back with my old theme: Loneliness! Some of you may complain, but then you can never make everyone happy anyway. So I might as well make myself happy and put up my first really good poem, written when I was 15.

I stand alone…

I stand alone, a lonely desert tree
The loneliness comes out to bite at me
I look at the oasis so far away from me
I wonder what happens out there that I am not allowed to see

I stand alone, a lonely desert tree
I bear the sandstorms blowing around me
I stand through the sunlight so scorchy
I bear the cold night with fingers so frosty

I stand alone, a lonely desert tree
But what do I do when my roots turn against me?
I have neither food, nor water in me
I look around and, what do I see?
I see my dead bark lying beside me

I stood alone, a lonely desert tree
I bore the sandstorms blowing around me
I stood through the scorchy daylight, frostly cold night and loneliness biting at me
I wondered at the oasis so far away from me

I stood alone, a lonely desert tree
But now, I lie alone, a lonely dead tree

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Classroom catnappin' capers

This post is an ode to all those like me who are dedicated dozers during classes. This is for those of you who catch up with their forty winks and more when the going gets tough. The teacher pointedly ignores your efforts at rousing yourself from your slumber, and your friends and mates pinch you in a desperate attempt to keep you up. This is in memory of all those who died waiting for the bell to ring. R.I.P.

Somnambulation in class

Eyes droop, heads loll
Looks like the sandman is on a roll
As one we try to shake off the slumber
An unsuccesssful attempt, as our minds just get number
The professor drones on, unheedful of our drowsiness
The flood of information rams into our weary senses
Sleep seduces us with her obscene overtures
The bed beckons, Alas! No escape from this torture

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jill isn't a dull girl

A lot of my friends, after reading my poems, feel that my life is full of sorrow, loneliness and problems. Hence this post, to clear their misconception. I tend to write poetry when I feel any one of these two emotions:
Firstly, and mostly, when I am hurt and upset. Poetry for me, is a means of getting over my sorrow. By penning down my thoughts I am able to deal with my problem and get over it.
Secondly, when something moves me enough to actually write about it. This poem is of the second kind...

Someday I may go places...
Someday I may travel far...
Someday I may even be at peace...
But someday, I will touch the stars!

Someday I may be very wealthy...
Someday I may have immense fame...
But someday in Golden Letters,
I will surely etch my name!


You may wonder why I am beginning my blog with a poem, but this poem has been an integral part of my life. When i wrote this poem i finally said goodbye to one part of me, detached it from my mind, made it a thing of the past. It represents truimph over hatred and anger. Hence...


On the hard, cold rocks
the splinters cutting my feet,
the chill spreading through my body,
I stood, watching the sea.

The many-hued dance of the waves-
blue-green-brown-grey, reflecting the sky-
I watched, as the waves broke on the rocks;
the froth forming one moment, disappearing the other,
in a continuous cycle.

Feeling the spray hit my body,
moist, glistening on my skin,
the smell of salt in my nose,
I stood, poised to take the plunge.

Diving, I was ready to shatter and be shattered.

As I sank deep down into the bottomless fathoms
my lungs screamed out in agony.

My brain tried to stop them, but my limbs had a mind of their own.

As if in a trance, I watched my hands and feet propel me up,
up towards the surface, towards air, towards life.

Breaking the surface, the first breath of air was dizzying, intoxicating.

Bobbing up and down, I felt the water cleansing my body, my soul,
the past getting washed away, dissolving into nothingness.

Getting ready to return back to the world,
glad to be alive, I knew,
I was clean,
I was pure.
Location: Aamchi Mumbai, India

A happy-go-lucky person, I have been called cheerful and bubbly. I tend to get bored of things very fast, so I believe that 'variety is the spice of life'. But below this exterior beats the heart of a deep thinking, sensitive, true-blooded Piscean who wants to carve a niche of her own in this crowded world

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