Thursday, August 10, 2006

A new beginning...

This one was written in class:-P. Heck I know, but I was bored, I am unhappy, put the two together and the best thing to do then is come up with a poem. This one has been coming for a while now. It is not as good as I wanted it to be; not as emotional as I had hoped it would be; did not bring about the “All-Important & Essential Catharsis” that it was supposed to have; but it is still something that I wrote. Pseudo, wannabe and childish as it may seem, it does still reflect to a certain degree my current frame of mind and it did give me some comfort. So read on, and as usual, brickbats and bouquets are welcome:-D.

Ad Infinitum

People come, people go
The God up there watches the show
We down here lose our hearts
It seems no more than a game of cards

We lose our peace of mind
Mere mortals, just mankind
The hurt and sorrow still remain
Time can only numb the pain

Blindly we think all is not lost
We give it all up at a cost
Hoping that this time it is true love
Possibly the will of the One above

Thus continues this never-ending chain
It will last, come hail or rain
Nothing shakes the romantic’s faith
Because it is better to love than to hate

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Writer’s block

Sometimes life brings you to such a stage that you are forced to look back and evaluate yourself. At such a time I am generally able to write - it is my catharsis. But this time round I am faced with a serious writer’s block. I am unable to put words to the turmoil within me, which is possibly why I end up suffering far more. I just hope this block ends soon because I need to get back to living my life fully.
Location: Aamchi Mumbai, India

A happy-go-lucky person, I have been called cheerful and bubbly. I tend to get bored of things very fast, so I believe that 'variety is the spice of life'. But below this exterior beats the heart of a deep thinking, sensitive, true-blooded Piscean who wants to carve a niche of her own in this crowded world

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