Friday, March 02, 2007

A new day has come

Today I turn 22. Now while to many it may not seem like a milestone I suddenly realize that this is the turning point in my life. From here on my life is going to undergo some huge changes. I complete my MBA, I will no longer be a student. I have a new job, I will now be a working woman. I am going to earn my living, no longer do I need to stand before Dad every Monday morning for my weekly pocket money. I am going to join the cut-throat Corporate world, no more will I lead this sheltered protected life that I have always led. I am going to be responsible for everything that happens in my life, my decisions are going to be my own and people are going to accept them and more importantly respect them. It is a scary thought to be physically, financially and emotionally independent, but at the same time it also feels great. Because I know that I will be fine. I have handled so many changes in my life, stepping into maturity and being a grown-up is not going to be that tough a task! Here's to hoping that the coming year is great and looking forward to a new life :-)

Location: Aamchi Mumbai, India

A happy-go-lucky person, I have been called cheerful and bubbly. I tend to get bored of things very fast, so I believe that 'variety is the spice of life'. But below this exterior beats the heart of a deep thinking, sensitive, true-blooded Piscean who wants to carve a niche of her own in this crowded world

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