Friday, March 03, 2006

Love hurts

When I dream about the future,
Your fingers you snap
When I talk about a life together
You turn your back

Yet when I confess my love
You gladly accept
This is getting too confusing
I never know what is the next step

I spend entire nights just crying
I spend whole days just thinking
Who is the one at fault here?
Who is the one to blame?

I know I promised I wouldn’t talk this way
I know I swore that we’ll live only for today
But if you truly love me why are you afraid?
On these unknown grounds, why do you refuse to tread?
Location: Aamchi Mumbai, India

A happy-go-lucky person, I have been called cheerful and bubbly. I tend to get bored of things very fast, so I believe that 'variety is the spice of life'. But below this exterior beats the heart of a deep thinking, sensitive, true-blooded Piscean who wants to carve a niche of her own in this crowded world

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